LOL, man oh man, I forgot I had a blog page! Any who so what has happened.....not much with me just living, working, etc. The world sure doesn't stop turning, it keeps on spinning year after year and we just roll along with it. Summer's approaching and I'm like where the heck did Winter and Spring go, Even though this weather lately has me thinking Mother Natures on strike or something? In any case, lots has happened really, birth of some beautiful babies, expecting mami announcements which is Always great news, anniversaries, marriages, engagements, birthdays too, so wait a lot has happened, LOL! Mothers Day is tomorrow which is always nice, Mothers Day should be an all year round day in my opinion. ;-). What else, oh yea lots of bakers coming to light as well, funny how you find out your good at baking and it becomes a passion, I'm def not good at it, but I will def enjoy all the treats that I can get, hehe! I think these 1st 5 months of 2012 actually have been pretty eventful. Soooo, let me take back my first sentence, What has happened, Lots & Lots!
Have a wonderful and great evening everyone, gotta try and keep up with this blog too.
Night night,
Lorena G Mercado.