Friday, June 17, 2011


OK this is a topic that everyone has an opinion on. I for example have learned that it really doesn't matter who the actual donor is that makes the Father, it's the man who is there through everything,dinner, homework, scrapes, giving advice, listening when they need that ear, a shoulder to cry on when they feel no one understands.
 I had my father around, even though it was hard at times, he was there and to this day still is. He was there for me when I had my child and took on the role of a father, no question. I learned to appreciate the real fathers, you know those guys, the ones that no matter what, if they're with the mother or not, they Still take care of their kids, their Responsibility!
This Fathers Day I will be thanking my dad for making me a tough cookie, and for my future husband for being a great father to his children even though they are so far from him, and for being the father my daughter Never had. I love them both with all my heart. I also want to thank the fathers I know that take care of their children, the new fathers that with their child not even being here yet, love them unconditionally. To the mothers who are; Mother/Father, their strength will shape the children for the future.

All in all, be good to your children they are a part of you, and our future!

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with this! There are plenty of donors out there but, it takes a real man to raise a child. Cheers to all the real men!
